Sunday 13 October, 5 – 7pm
$10 Door Sales. Tickets Limited.
Secure your ticket: frankieabb@gmail.com
Windsor Wines
Host: Stéphane Fabre
8 Windsor Street, Windsor, Invercargill
Adultery An Artful Affair
Who Shall Cast the First Stone?
Book Presentation by the author, Colette O’Kane, along with the illustrator, Frankie Bakker
After a successful run in Oamaru, Dunedin and Waimate, we are now inviting you to join us at Windsor Wines, Invercargill. The evening will feature readings from the book, Adultery An Artful Affair, the story behind the making of the book, including the fun intergenerational fact of more than a four decade age difference between the author and the illustrator, demonstrating that sexual desire is not confined to only the young. The audience will be welcome to ask questions and take part in any discussions with the author and illustrator.
This Windsor wine and cheese event will be carried out in a fun, friendly atmosphere. – A little bit naughty so adults only.
Come and join us on this wild ride of an illicit affair that inspires every emotion, including laughter, the text aided by the unique,beautifully sensual art of Frankie Bakker.
Books and art prints, at one-off discounted prices, will be available on the night.
Thank you Stéphane Fabre at Windsor Wines for hosting this event at the Windsor Wine cellar.
$10 Door Sales. Tickets Limited.
Secure your ticket: frankieabb@gmail.com