Arts Murihiku, through funding from Creative NZ, has two opportunities available to support succession planning in the Arts community through scholarships to the Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Academy.
This 8-week course starts at the end of August at the BNZ Partners Centre – Invercargill. More information can be found here
Arts Murihiku invites expressions of interest from emerging or new leaders in the arts community to apply for these two scholarships.
We are looking for people with less than 2 years of experience in leadership roles in the arts.
Please provide a summary of your skills and interest in the Leadership Academy and how you might use the skills learned to help you in your role and on your leadership journey.
If you are supported by or part of an organisation we require a summary from them detailing their support. If you are an individual artist please provide a reference from someone in the sector.
These scholarships are available to paid or volunteer leaders in the arts community. It will require a commitment of 8 Fridays approximately 9 am-11 am starting 27 August.
Arts Murihiku’s focus is on supporting new or emerging leaders in order to support succession planning within the arts sector in Southland.
Any queries please contact: